About Us

FareStat cooperates with all public and private organizations wishing to better understand, assess and predict phenomena on the strength of data analyses.
It provides customized practical solutions based on a careful assessment of each organization’s needs, and selects the best mix of skills and professional profiles for implementing a given project.

All enquires will be considered. The first step to understad client’s needs will be done by the following team:

  • Mariangela Guidolin (coordinator), professor of business statistics
  • Gianpiero Dalla Zuanna, professor of demografy and populations studies
  • Francesco Lisi, professor of statistical methods and models for finance
  • Laura Ventura, professor of statiscal models and medical statistics
  • Emanuele Aliverti, assistant professor in statistics and machine learning
  • Nicoletta Parise, doctor of statistical sciences
  • Tommaso Canesso, doctor of statistical sciences

This committee will go on to select from the entire faculty of the department the most appropriate resources in relation to the client’s needs.

For more information or for a quote